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3D Printed Stuffed Animals

This project was done as an effort to preserve my youth. I had a stuffed dog, named Ruffles. I took him everywhere. He was in a series of really cringe music videos when I was 7. I even lost him for a week and a neighbor returned him after seeing posters I put up. I still have him to this day. He's a little worse for the wear, and I don't like bringing him around as much as I did.

So I did what I do best, and I found a way to cope with my speration anxiety. We got an old xbox series kinect camera, and the USB adapter. We found some free software that would work well enough. And we scanned Ruffles. I loaded him into blender, and patched up some holes. He was ready to print. When I printed him, he was scaled down significantly, and my Arts N Thangs turned him into a keychain. Now he can go everywhere with me again!

Original Scan

This was the original scan I imported from the scanner software.

Original Scan - Top

The original scan got most of the detail and proportions, but there were a few holes that needed filling in first...


This is Ruffles Himself! He's seen it all, and been everywhere.

Green Statuette

This is a little statue of Ruffles that Arts N Thangs made. I asked for green because it's my favorite color.


Arts N Thangs had a cherished stuffed animal too.

Skinort in Blender

So we scanned Skinort

Skinort Everywhere

And now Skinort can go everywhere Arts N Thangs goes!

Skinort Everywhere

I turned his tail up too, so he's a little more compact.

And one for the little one

And of course, one for the little guy.