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The S3. AKA Los Dos

Originally when this printer was assembled in 2017, it had a 12 volt power supply, MKS Robin lite main board, and a single CR-10 style extruder. It was relatively featureless, other than the large 300mm x 300mm print bed. Which, ironically was the first part which need to be replaced. Between 2017 and 2019, the manufacturer had upgraded the printer model to 24v, and the replacement that came wouldn't work with the power supply on hand, so time to consider an upgrade. A new board and two power supplies were ordered to go with the 24v bed. The MKS-Robin Lite was swapped out with an Octopus v1.1 and TMC2209 steppers. The original Y-carriage was swapped out for a lighter stronger version. The X-carriage has been swapped out a few times depending on extruder setup. The only original parts are the frame and the steppers. Even the original end-stops are not used anymore. At one point, this printer had 3 hotends, then an all-metal, then a liquid cooled. It ended up, finally, with a 2-in-1 out non-mixing hotend.

Dual Color!

One of the first dual color prints.

Under the hood

This is June 2024. Putting the MKS Robin Nano v3. on to run the dual extruders.

TPU Print

Printing some handles for a scooter


I created these pieces that mount on the corner. They have a lip built-in, wide enough for a piece of cardboard. They bolt to the machine's frame. I printed legs for the machine too. A majority of the electronics sit outside of the enclosure, underneath

The Enclosure Bracket

This is the bracket I printed to create the enclosure. You can see how the cardboard fits into it here.

From the outside

This is the S3 next to it's little brother, the Vox. They're both champs. Corn chip included for scale.

Dual hotend

This never made it to production. It was a design for a dual hotend. I did end up using parts of this in the 3-hotend design.

The Digital Creation Station

I spent many hours on blender, in this little world. It's actually grown a lot since this photo was taken.

The Original Setup

I believe this is the first picture I took of this printer. That's the spool of filiment that came with it.

This is what A4988 steppers sounded like

Let me sing you the song of my people!
Edit:Youtube did something crispy with the audio. It should sound like an old dot matrix printer, without the cellophane wrapper sound in the background.