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The Mouth

This thing is truly the stuff of nightmares. Not just for its looks but for its technical complexities. This project has been a personal nightmare. This is based on a secret military project that I found the files for. It's some type of spider-leach hybrid. but it's HUGE. Standing just over 50 feet tall. It could easily eat a whole human. It's apparently powered by some type of experimental technology and has some of its joints augmented with mechanics. Unfortunately, the documents I found were taken, and my house was ransacked while I was away one afternoon. Otherwise, I would have just posted photos of the documents. But I don't have them anymore. But it's totally a true story. 500%

We pay Tribute to this (work-in-process) monstrosity with this series of renders. Hopefully, one day, it will be done, and I can warn the world of the horrors I saw...

Top-ish View

The top/back

Side View

The side


The Front

Behind the scenes

This is the blend file for this thing. A little bit insane.